<byline>By JoAnn Alix-Gagain<byline>
To say that SRA members are the best is an understatement. In the fall newsletter you recall that we shared the financial status of our organization that was formed in 1998, and the future was undecided. Our appeal for donations in that same newsletter to be able to continue at least until the end of 2023 was heard by many of you. We received donations from many that ranged from $1 up to $1000 from our members. The outpouring was fantastic. The notes that also came with many of those checks were great to read and to hear first hand how much the newsletter is appreciated as well as our annual meetings in CT and in FL. Personally, your thanks in so many cases was fulfilling to know that your gratitude when you called upon us for assistance we were here to help and resolve the issue at hand.
Going forward we will continue to keep a close eye on our expenses by continuing to use your emails for newsletters, meetings and other notices. We also know that postage will see further increases as well as paper and printing costs, as we do have members who do not share their emails. Additionally, we continue to see loss in value of our shares of AT&T. Currently we do not have the urgency to sell them, but that too remains an option.
On to other matters. We have heard from some of our members in FL that they continue to work toward restoration after hurricane IAN last fall. I can tell you first hand the devastation was nothing like anything you have ever seen in CT. Some of our members lost everything. In the true spirit of our commitment to help those in need when we were working that same spirit came out during this disaster as well. When you hear the stories as I did at our FL gatherings it was heart wrenching. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with those who still remain out of their homes as well with those who continue to help through their churches, community organizations and just offering a hand to pick up debris that in some places remains in very high piles.
This newsletter carries articles on a variety of topics including some early 2024 healthcare information that AT&T has provided to us for non-grandfathered retirees. This will be the major topic for many in the coming months right through the end of the year. I cannot express enough to that you will need to review all materials sent to you by the company that refers to the AT&T Medicare Advantage Plan. The company first offered this option 2 years ago. I can share with you that there has yet to be any issues with the plan that some have elected to move to. And not just SRA members but retirees in other groups as well. Those who have spoken to me about it are very pleased with the coverage not only for medical services but for prescription drugs, let alone the cost of the plan monthly. AT&T will offer live seminars for this plan later in the year they have stated but ultimately you have to make your own choice. So do your research early. There is no forcing to move to this plan. If you choose to make no changes that is fine too. There is no reimbursement account funding by AT&T going forward in 2024.
I would like to offer you the opportunity to submit questions about healthcare in advance of the rollout and we can and send them to AT&T for inclusion in the materials you will be sent. Sometimes there are unique situations that really are not so unique, but it is your question. Let’s try to submit as many as we can to alleviate some of the stress that change can cause.
Please send your questions to me via email @ jagagin@snet.net or leave the question on my voice mail @ 203-758-2409 or you can drop it in the mail to SRA @ 318 Central Rd Middlebury, CT 06762. I will not respond to these. AT&T will respond in the materials sent to you in the fall.