As you are aware the action that AT&T took regarding the reductions in life insurance effective 1/1/2022 not only a financial impact on retirees but also emotional for many. The SRA along with the other retiree groups and individual retirees across the country took pen in hand and wrote to AT&T Board of Directors, legislators, newspapers, websites. as well not promoting any AT&T products when asked to do so by the company. We spoke to friends and family members about this treatment at this late date for many. We sought legal advice as a coalition too. Many folks gave up concessions and switched to other companies because they got a better deal. AT&T did not budge. It remains a sore subject on all calls with AT&T on other matters. Did someone say VOTE your proxies accordingly.
If you did buy life insurance during Annual Enrollment you can expect higher premiums each year going forward, simply because you aged.