2021 Winter Meetings in Florida: Do we, or don’t we???... that is the question. I can honestly say I don’t know that answer today as I put the newsletter together. So much has transpired and still so much is unknown. We have made several reservations for the meetings because we have the ability to cancel without any loss of funds. We certainly will not take any unnecessary chances to hold them, but it is going to be a wait and see right at this point in time. Will keep you posted by mail if you have provided to the SRA a FL address.
SRA’s Treasury remains sound and robust which allows us to continue with our current dues suspension for current members. We still have retirees who never joined or have come back that are required to pay the membership fee. Some retirees have been very kind to the SRA with donations as well and we thank you for your continued support.
Board of Directors of the SRA continue to serve the membership willingly and in volunteer capacity and look forward to 2021 in their current roles.
The Newsletter will be again published twice a year and supplemented as needed should an issue/ concern arise that needs to be shared with the membership.
Holiday Hill Resort has been reserved for our 2021 Annual Meeting & Picnic on September 9th, 2021. (I am hopeful)
AT&T Benefits group has gone through major managerial changes due to many retirements. It has caused some delays in responding to you when escalations have been required. We hope that the dust has settled there and we will see turnaround times be reduced.
Reimbursement Accounts recently had some issues with AON and the insurance companies submitting claims to individual accounts for reimbursements. It has been determined the computer files were mixed up and the issue has been resolved. PLEASE check your accounts accordingly.
Year End Things to Care For: If you can be sure to get scripts filled to optimize your deductibles, be sure to submit out of pocket expenses for reimbursement prior to the end of 1st Q 2021, and get a checkup, because most doctors are seeing patients now. Be sure your beneficiary forms and other property assignments are up to date: life insurances, IRA; s home deeds, safety deposit boxes, car titles, checking and savings accounts, stocks etc... Don’t wait.
This year we saw too many depart our ranks, and we have seen changes in our daily lives like never before. We have been tried by severe weather of late, and loss of some day to day freedoms. I must say I would much rather be here in the USA than any other place in the world. I can worship as I choose, speak to whomever I choose, and VOTE as I choose.
On a personal note let me take this opportunity to thank my fellow board members for the support and confidence they provide me so frequently. On behalf of each one of us we hope that you and yours will all stay safe, healthy and blessed for the remainder of 2020 and into the year ahead. – JoAnn