<byline>By JoAnn Alix-Gagain<byline>
In the fall of 2015, the SRA Board of Directors informed all members that due to our treasury balance at that time, the SRA would no longer collect annual dues of $15 per member. We came to that conclusion due to the sale of the wireline business to Frontier Communications completed in 2014, and also that there would be very limited future retirees remaining in CT who could then join the SRA. Bob Archambault, our founding treasurer, and his successor, Claudia Zerella, estimated the continuation of the SRA for approximately another 2 ½ to 3 years, depending on inflation and any unforeseen issues. Well, we certainly have gone beyond that! Seven years later, the time has come for us to look at this again.
We, your board, are happily willing to continue to volunteer in our current roles. So many of you thank us for the gatherings to see former coworkers, the newsletter, the website, and our on-going assistance. I personally think we will see benefit changes within the next 2 years, and I would like to be around to help us all with such important topics.
But, in order to carry on, we need to revisit the available sources of SRA funds, the costs to provide the SRA services, and pay those vendors who assist us. For example, the postage rate has had numerous increases and meeting costs have also escalated, especially this year. One available option we always considered is we could sell the SRA AT&T shares. We have determined we are at that threshold, and have looked at several options:
As you can see, we have had a lot to consider. I have recommended to the board that we ask for contributions and the board has concurred. Secondarily, we have agreed that if the contributions are not sufficient, we will begin to slowly sell shares. Of course, all contributions are voluntary and are not required for membership. Rest assured, we are not going away in 2023, but beyond that, time will tell.
If you decide to send in a contribution to the SRA you may mail any contribution to: SRA @ 318 Central Rd, Middlebury, CT 06762
We thank you in advance for your continued support and will keep you posted on the future of the SRA.