Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

How fortunate I have been this year to have stayed safe and healthy. A day does not go by when I am not grateful for all that I have been blessed by. Yes, hard work, great family, and friends all have played long roles in my life. And I like many sometimes forget to be thank filled and giving …

But this Thanksgiving is different for my family and I am sure yours too. Gatherings won’t be as large, the same people may not be at your table for the first time ever and you think is this the way we will be forever? I hope and pray not.

For this family holiday we should all give Thanks for those dear to us and for all we have been blessed with be it new family members, health, wealth, job, good retirements and on and on … and Giving to those who are suffering more so than ever before with no jobs not good health, not enough heat, food, water and on and on. Give a little back any way you can . Even if is to say hello through a mask as we can not see one another’s smiles . You might be the only person who speaks to them that day during these long days of isolation and winter.

I send to each of you my Thanks and I hope to continue to Give to you, the SRA members .

Stay safe and healthy


JoAnn Alix-Gagain, President